Hunger of Marduk, 2.4. online

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Hunger of Marduk, 2.4. online

Post by Menteith »

Hunger of Marduk
2.4.2023, online
14 Spieler

1 Sebastian M. GW/4 F: 2
2 Dayvisson Magalhães A. 2GW/6 F: 1
2 Giuseppe "Kela" S. GW/3 F: 2
2 Aitor C. GW/3 F: 0
2 Lionel P. 0GW/4 F: 0

6 Javier de H. G. 3
7 Fernando C. 1
8 Sergio O. 1
8 Diego S. F. 1
10 Jennifer F. 0
11 Thomas S. 0
12 Steve W. 0
12 Igor B. 0
14 Eduardo G. 0

Ich erlaube mir, den Bericht von zu reposten und Englisch zu lassen. ... ine#107793
Kurz gesagt: schee wars.

Round 1
Jenny: Lisandro’s Cemetery - Sebastian (me): Appolonius combat – Aitor: Capuchin Museum EQ – Thomas: !Salubri block

Interesting game, Thomas and I were on the defensive quite long trying to contain Capuchin, who had placed and early Pentex on Thomas‘ Nuriel. When Capuchin went into Torpor the game changed. Thomas had not been able to sufficiently build up and Jenny didn’t take too well to my vampires‘ fists.
Fun fact: Anarch converts can be quite useful, just add some EQ and block with Organized Resistance. After diablerizing Capuchin and Nuriel mine carried: 2 Flak Jackets, a Sniper Rifle, an Ivory Bow, IR Goggles, a Sport Bike, a Blade of Bellona, a Heart of Cheating and a useless Erebus Mask…
Results: GW/4 for me

Round 2
Lionel: Banu Haqim breed/boon/retribute – Fernando: Ministry bleed/vote – Sebastian (me) Appolonius combat – Dayvisson: 5/6 Malkavian bleed – Jenny: Lisandro’s Cemetery.

This game was hopeless, but still interesting. Fernando massively pressured me from the very beginning with votes and stealth bleed. Once out I barely manag
ed to survive him by torporizing some of his minions to slow him down. Of course, I then fell to Lionel. While this outcome was quite predictable, there was nothing I could do to change it. The game ended in a spectacular headsup between Dayvisson and Lionel.
Results: Dayvisson GW/3, Lionel 2

I entered the final as second seed and Daguisson (as first seed) kindly refrained from interfering with my seating, so I got to sit in my sweet spot. Capuchin was fine as a predator, Baali vote fine as a prey – the reversed would have been bad.

Aitor: Capuchin Museum – Sebastian (me): Appolonius combat – Kela: Baali/Brujah vote – Lionel: Banu Haqium breed/boon/retribute – Dayvisson: 5/6 Malkavian bleed

Dayvisson quickly pressured Aitor, who did not draw a Museum and could not build up quick enough, so I my initial setup went well. When Dayvisson became my predator it got more interesting, I think he could also outmaneuver a rush of mine. However, from my point of view Lionel was the real problem – I did not think I’d stand a chance in a heads-up against him. So I decided to mostly defend and not interfere with Kela going forward (even though I had a delaying in hand at a key moment): I was second seed, Kela third seed, so I actually aimed at a draw. In the end, I had enough grapples and Organised Resistances to carry the day. I finished with an Appolonius bleed for 7 (just card special text & Enkil Cog), which was as satisfying as it was irrelevant as Kela had Proteceted Resources out and only 1 pool at that point anyways, but still ;)

Thanks to Igor, all helpers and all the really nice players I met. What a wonderful way to spend a rainy Sunday!

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